Friday, April 30, 2010

2nd Annual Spring Luncheon

Spring is in the air and we are getting ready for our Second Annual Luncheon, which is going to be on May 13, 2010 at the Radisson Hotel in Downtown Kalamazoo. This year were going to have Johnnie Tuitel as our keynote speaker.

Johnnie Tuitel (pronounced title like a book) was born with cerebral palsy, and has used a wheelchair his entire life. He attended East Grand Rapids Public Schools where he was the first disabled student legally mainstreamed in the State of Michigan. His disability has never kept him down.

Johnnie loves making people laugh through his humorous and entertaining stories of life. He easily puts to rest any tensions that may arise because of the wheelchair and he makes his audience comfortable with his disability.

We are looking forward to meet him and learn about his term Handicapitalism(©) to learn a little bit more about it visit :

For more info on our 2nd Annual Luncheon click here :!/event.php?eid=113088865397344&index=1