Sunday, June 13, 2010

Community Advocates on Monday Night Live

Community Advocates was incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in 1953 as an affiliate of both the state and national units of what was then known as the Association for Retarded Children. Those organizations are now known simply as The Arc. Our affiliation remains close and continues its purpose to seek the best possible services and support for children and adults with disabilities.

Initially, our constituency was individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Over time, we have broadened our outreach to include people with a variety of developmental disabilities. Our geographical scope is Kalamazoo County, but although we have provided advocacy assistance to people from surrounding counties on a case-by-case basis.

In the early years our organization was a direct provider of services, organized and run by volunteers, primarily parents. In the 1960's we began to create other programs, and during the 1980's and 1990's we created programs run by other agencies and incorporated new organizations as needed.

During the 1970's we spearheaded a planning process that prepared this county to provide the services needed to further the task of deinstitutionalization. That network of services remains largely intact today.

Our mission remains:
We exist as an advocacy organization to make it possible for each person with a disability to participate fully in all aspects of community and to support the effort of each individual to determine his/her own future.

And here is our Deb Russell (CEO) and Carl Phalin (Board Chair) with Keith Roe the host of Monday Night Live. This was televised on June,7 2010.